Photo by Stephen Harlan
Hidden Voices
SWEET words had lured me,
entangled by
the poison of the tongue,
from my truths, I strayed
Promises to recreate
Heaven on earth
to prosper, love, and to belong were
nothing but
An illusion of walking straight
blossomed into a deep abyss, and
the perception of calmness
like chamomile tea,
radiance of what could’ve been,
leaving me
Could you start again
once left abandoned?
Stuck in one place,
will your life have more value
than the tears and a
one day at a time,
one moment after each.
You still have your LIFE to live,
even if
it seems too late.
If you’re still breathing
and your voice is hidden deep inside
just SHOUT
into the world around.
Let them HEAR
First Published by The Scarlet Leaf Review in their March 2020 online issue.
The Author
E. Izabelle Cassandra Alexander was born and raised in a little village in Hungary and now resides in Des Plaines, Illinois. She’s a single mother, nature and animal lover. She writes short stories, creative nonfiction essays, flash fiction, plays, and poetry, currently working on a few novels and a series of children's books along with illustrations.
Her work has been published in Spark, 2016, 2018, and 2019, in the Illinois State Poetry Society’s (ISPS) Anthology, Distilled Lives, Volume 4, 2018, and on the ISPS website, in Yearning to be Free by The Moonstone Art Center, 2019, The Scarlet Leaf Review in 2018 and 2020, WOW! Women on Writing, 2019 and 2020, The Book Smuggler's Den, 2019, by Tin Journal, 2020, Ariel's Dream Literary Journal, and more.
She won several Honorable Mentions and Runner Up status with her flash fiction and creative nonfiction essays entered into contests by WOW! Women on Writing. An interview was published by WOW in The Muffin (an online blog: on January 14th, 2020.
You can find her work on her website at and on Patreon at
or connect with her by visiting her page at on Facebook.