Photo by Viridi Green
A single dandelion
standing tall
in fresh green grass
Golden yellow
underneath the
blue skies
Full of the promise of new life
Waiting to be transformed
Prepared to fly and
carry her seeds within
to color this world
Bequeathing a blanket of yellow to all
If only humanity could perceive its beauty
It won’t be plucked out
Like a new idea borne into barred minds
The Author
Izabelle was born and raised in a little village in Hungary. After immigrating to the US, she graduated with honors from Monroe College with a Bachelor's in Information Systems in New York before moving to Chicago, where she earned her MBA from Webster University.
Izabelle writes novels, short stories, creative nonfiction, flash fiction, plays, and poetry. She's currently working on a series of children's books and illustrations.
Her work appears in several publications, Spark, Tint Journal, The Scarlet Leaf Review, The Book Smugglers Dan, WOW! Women on Writing, Ariel's Dream Literary Journal, and many others, in print and online.
You can find Izabelle at, connect with her on Facebook at and support her on Patreon: at
E. Izabelle Cassandra Alexander, IL